
This is the pool's management route

GET place/{placeId}/allAlerts?l={l}&postponed={postponed}

No documentation available.

GET place/{placeId}/additionnalAlerts

No documentation available.

GET place/{placeId}/currentAlert?l={l}&postponed={postponed}

No documentation available.

PUT place/{placeId}/postpone/calib?days={days}

No documentation available.

PUT place/{placeId}/postpone/stock?days={days}

No documentation available.

PUT place/{placeId}/postpone/strip?days={days}

No documentation available.

GET place?l={l}

Return all places of the current user.

POST place?l={l}

Add a place to the user account storage. (requires authentication).

POST place/{serial}?l={l}

Add a place association with the device. (requires authentication).

PUT place/{id}?l={l}

Updates a pool's information. (requires to be authenticated). FREE

GET place/{id}?l={l}

Returns a specific pool information. (requires to be authenticated). FREE

DELETE place/{id}

Deletes the given place and desassociate modules link with it. (requires to be authenticated). FREE

DELETE place/{placeId}/stock/{stockId}

Removes the given chemical product from the given pool's stock. Requires Authentication. FREE

POST place/{placeId}/waterLevel

Adds a new water level modification. FREE

GET place/{placeId}/waterLevel

Gets the water level change's history. FREE

DELETE place/{placeId}/waterLevel/{wid}

Deletes a water level change. FREE

POST place/{place}/log?placeId={placeId}&wid={wid}

Deletes a water level change. FREE

GET place/{placeId}/contacts

Ajout Jules 10/01/2023 - Get the full list of guests on a specific place (distinction IsPending/IsKnow), and contacts of the user not invited on the place yet

GET place/{placeId}/shares

Gets the shares done on the current pool

POST place/{placeId}/shares

No documentation available.

POST place/{placeId}/shares/accept

Accepts the share

DELETE place/{placeId}/shares?email={email}

Deletes a share

GET place/coatings?l={l}

Gets the known list of coatings. Allows anonymous connection.

GET place/spaTypes?l={l}

Gets the known list of coatings. Allows anonymous connection.

GET place/filtrations?placeType={placeType}&l={l}

Gets the known list of Filtration. Allows anonymous connection.

GET place/integration?placeType={placeType}&l={l}

Gets the known list of integration. Allows anonymous connection.

GET place/shapes?l={l}

Gets the known list of shapes. Allows anonymous connection.

GET place/treatment?l={l}

Gets the known list of Treatment. Allows anonymous connection.

GET place/types?l={l}

Gets the known list of pool types. Allows anonymous connection.

GET place/modes?l={l}

Gets the known list of modes.

GET place/equipments?placeType={placeType}&l={l}

Gets the known list of equipments. Allows anonymous connection. FREE

GET place/{placeId}/equipments?l={l}

Return all stocks from a specific pool. (requires to be authenticated). FREE

PUT place/{placeId}/equipments?l={l}

Updates the list of owned equipments. FREE

POST place/{placeId}/equipments?l={l}

Add place's equipments. (requires to be authenticated). FREE

DELETE place/{placeId}/equipment/{equipmentId}?l={l}

Delete equipment associated with a user place. (requires to be authenticated). FREE

GET place/{placeId}/Log?nbItems={nbItems}&page={page}&l={l}

Gets the pool's logs. FREE

POST place/{placeId}/Log

creates a log entry. FREE

GET place/Log/Types?l={l}

Gets the pool log's types

PUT place/{placeId}/Log/{logId}

updates a log entry. FREE

DELETE place/{placeId}/Log/{logId}

deletes a log entry. FREE

GET place/{placeId}/stock?l={l}

Returns the stock of the given pool (requires authentication). FREE

POST place/{placeId}/stock

Adds an item to the pool's stock. (requires authentication). FREE

PUT place/{placeId}/stock/{stockId}

Updates the available quatity of product. FREE

POST place/newStrip

No documentation available.

POST place/newStrip/{placeId}

No documentation available.

GET place/{placeId}/newStrip

No documentation available.


this route is used to interact with the HubDevice

POST hub/{serial}/Manual/{state}

Set state of the hub manually

PUT hub/{serial}/mode/{behavior}

Activate mode auto / planning / manual

GET hub/{serial}/state

get state of the hub

POST hub/{serial}/AddPlannings

Add a or multiples plannings to a hub. Subscription Required.

GET hub/{serial}/GetPlannings

Return all planning of a Hub. Free.

DELETE hub/{serial}/DeleteSinglePlanning?idPlanning={idPlanning}

Delete a planning of a hub. Free with limitation

POST hub/{serial}/Equipment/Add/{CodeEquipmentpool}

Add equipment to device. Require subsciption

PUT hub/{serial}/Equipment/Name

Change Name Equipement

GET hub/Equipments/Listing?l={l}

List of equipment which can be attach to the Hub

GET hub/{serial}/SmartControlSentence

Get if the sentence for the hub smart control. Subcription Required + Smart control on this Hub.

GET hub/Place/{placeId}/AllHubs

List of Hubs attached to the place


This is the chemical products' management controller

GET maintenance/chemical?ean={ean}&brandId={brandId}&name={name}&typeId={typeId}&conditionningId={conditionningId}&l={l}

Return all known chemical products. Allows Anonymous connection.

POST maintenance/Chemical

Adds a new chemical product. requires to be authenticated.

PUT maintenance/Chemical/{id}

Adds a new chemical product. requires to be authenticated.

GET maintenance/conditioning?l={l}

Gets the list of the different known conditioning. Allows anonymous connection.

GET maintenance/brand

Gets the different known brands. Allow Anonymous

GET maintenance/applicationmethod?l={l}

Gets all the different known application methods. Allows anonymous connection

GET maintenance/type?l={l}

Retrieves the different known product types. Allows anonymous connection

GET maintenance/Conditioning/{conditioningId}/Units?l={l}

Retrieves the different known conditioning units

GET maintenance/Conditioning/{conditioningId}/DosageUnits?l={l}

Retrieves the different known product types. Allows anonymous connection


this class provides apis

GET modules/{placeId}/currentAlert?l={l}

Return the priority alert of the place. SUBSCRIBTION REQUIRED

GET modules/{placeId}/allAlerts?l={l}

Return a list of all current place's alert (Title+IconUrl). SUBSCRIBTION REQUIRED

GET modules/{serial}/survey/last?l={l}

Return the module's last data, with adjusted values. (intermediate values, before applying the calibration correction). FREE.

GET modules/{serial}/FiltrationTime/last?l={l}

Return the module's last data, with adjusted values. (intermediate values, before applying the calibration correction). FREE.

GET modules/{serial}/survey/LastHours/{hours}?l={l}

Return the module's last data, with adjusted values. (intermediate values, before applying the calibration correction). Limited to the 1000 last hours. SUBSCRIBTION REQUIRED

GET modules/{serial}/NewResume?l={l}

New Road Resume 16h30 07:07:2021 Return the module's last data, with adjusted values. (intermediate values, before applying the calibration correction). SUBSCRIBTION REQUIRED

GET modules/{serial}/survey/statsPerDays/{days}?l={l}

Return the module's stats over the given X days, limited to the last 365 days. SUBSCRIBTION REQUIRED

GET modules?ownerId={ownerId}

No documentation available.

GET modules/Ids?userIdentifiant={userIdentifiant}

Return Ids to the authenticated user.FREE

GET modules/AllDevices?ownerId={ownerId}&type={type}

Ajout Jules 02/01/2023 Get the settings informations for each devices associated with the user

GET modules/{moduleSerial}/AnalysR/settings?bat={bat}

Ajout Jules 02/01/2023 Return setting's informations of the given module

GET modules/{serial}/TrackR/settings

No documentation available.

GET modules/ListPlaceModules?idPlace={idPlace}

Return Modules to the selected Place FREE

POST modules/{serial}/DesAssociateFlipr

Des Associate Flipr Flipr to the account. Free

GET modules/{serial}/Thresholds

Gets the custom thresholds. SUBSCRIBTION REQUIRED

PUT modules/{serial}/Thresholds

Updates the custom thresholds. FREE